

All of you would have noticed, or maybe the right term is, not of noticed that we dont show an annoying cookie policy acceptance modal / overlay etc when you first visit the site. We don't ask you to accept a heap of things that you don't actually know what you're agreeing to, just because we want to track your usage. Why? Because we don't do that and respect your privacy.
We do track page usage, but by using a cookieless analytics tool (Fathom), and we dont use any 3rd parties such as facebook / google and the like.
However, we've started to implement videos from 3rd parties (such as YouTube) on certain cocktails, and those services do use tracking cookies. For that reason we've stuck up a small disclaimer before the video is embeded, to ensure that you are aware that you are now going to be tracked. It's also kinda the law to show you it.
We only show this notice if you try and load up a video (see the Cosmonaut recipe for an example), so for the most part still no annoying popups or acceptance modals.